Small Finds Analysis

A Neolithic leaf-shaped arrowhead recovered from one of the wetland basins on site.
© Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
© Copyright ARS Ltd 2018

Once archaeological finds are discovered they are usually sent to appropriate specialists in order that they can be properly identified, classified, analysed and dated so that their functional, social and any symbolic meaning can be ascertained. We maintain close contacts with museum curators as our analyses require familiarity and expert knowledge of regional collections. We welcome enquiries from commercial clients, archaeological contractors, universities, museums or other heritage organisations for provision of specialist assessments and analysis. Our highly regarded in-house specialists can directly control the timetable for completing evaluation and excavation projects as we do not have to rely on sub-contractors’ timetables, and this means we can offer very rapid turnaround for our clients, as well as allowing us to keep specialist costs to a minimum. Our specialists have published finds reports on a wide range of finds together with a text book on the analysis of stone tools.

  • Chipped stone tools
  • Prehistoric rock art
  • Pottery
  • Ancient metalwork
  • Clay pipe and post-medieval material
  • Our small finds service allows for rapid assessment analysis of finds geared to project timetables
  • Competitive rates
  • Pot reconstruction and/or photographs
  • Genuine experts including nationally renowned specialists
  • Analysis and reports aligned to national standards and best practice
  • Large pool of sub-specialists and museum and conservation expertise to call on for unusual finds
  • Full photographic and illustrative service, including 3D photographic modelling
  • All artefacts cleaned, conserved and stored according to national standards by our museum-treained archivist
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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd