Historic Buildings Survey

A member of our Historic Buildings team inspecting the stonework of a building whilst undertaking a survey. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
The overgrown ruins of an abbey that were surveyed as part of a project which included historic buildings survey and earthwork survey. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
Part of a range of farm buildings that were surveyed prior to development. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018

A Standing Building Survey is undertaken as part of the planning process in order to inform the creation of a strategy for the conservation, alteration or demolition of the standing building and its setting, and to preserve a record of the layout, chronology and surroundings of the building. The work involves a survey of the building and its setting and the formulation of a photographic record. The level of work to be completed can range from a Level 1 to a Level 4, with Level 4 being the most extensive. A Standing Building Survey informs the development of suitable and sympathetic conservation strategies and forms an integral part of the CoBRA (Conservation-Based Research and Analysis) approach advocated by Historic England.

The typical built heritage services we provide include:

  • Consultancy and Advice
  • Building Assessments and Appraisals
  • Production of plans, cross sections and elevations
  • Heritage Statements, Impact Assessments and Setting Studies
  • Recording and Analysis of historic buildings of all types
  • Architectural and historical research
  • Historic building surveys including condition surveys
  • Commission and supervise historic fabric conservation and restoration work
  • Watching brief during building alterations or re-development
  • Assistance in gaining Listed Building Consent
  • Photogrammetric building surveys
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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd