High Level Photography & Photogrammetry

An Iron Age roundhouse with an associated enclosure taken during an excavation using our high-level photography equipment. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
Detail of an extant ditch associated with a Roman settlement, captured and recorded using photogrammetry. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2020
Digital reconstruction of a Neolithic timber-built house. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2020
High Level Photography

We can produce striking high level photographs using our in-house, specially-made, 10m high telescopic mast, remote shooting software and digital camera equipment. These images can be used to enhance the recording and documentation of archaeological sites and historic buildings and can also prove very useful for promoting and marketing sites and providing clients with high-quality visual images to publicise and explain the findings on their development and underscore their sustainable credentials to a wide audience.

Drone Photography

We have fully licensed commercial drone operators which allows us to take both photographs and videos of historic buildings, sites and excavations. We can use this data to map sites and create detailed topographic images of features, sites and entire landscapes. This provides a rapid and cost-effective method for mapping large areas as it significantly reduces time in the field for surveyors and produces a more accurate result. Where use of a drone is not possible, we can produce striking high level photographs using our pneumatic telescopic mast with attached digital camera.


Photogrammetry is an accurate and well-established method for creating 3-Dimensional records of buildings and landscapes at relatively low-cost whencompared with other means of 3-D data acquisition. 2-Dimensional photogrammetric recording of building elevations, archaeological structures or artefacts can also provide a more accurate and less expensive method for producing a drawn record than a traditional field drawing. Structure from Motion (SFM) photogrammetry can also be used to accurately survey and visualise landscape-scale data.

Digital Reconstructions

These can be used to interpret sites as well as to convey what sites may have looked like to various audiences. Our specialists also produce digital reconstructions of what sites once looked like ‘grown’ out of the accurate archaeological plans and sections.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd