Archaeological Evaluation

Evaluation trenching in progress in advance of a quarry extension. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
Drawing the section of the trench that had been excavated through the kettle hole at Killerby Quarry. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
A chimney foundation and flue system revealed during evaluation trenching in Manchester. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018

Archaeological evaluation trenching is commonly used to test parcels of land for the survival of archaeological remains, and to assist in establishing their significance and condition of preservation. It is usually undertaken as part of the pre-application phase of development and can be helpful with establishing the archaeological costs and managing the risk associated with developing a given site. We undertake evaluation trenching throughout the UK on rural and urban sites ranging from deep, confined urban building plots to large brownfield and greenfield development sites of several hundred hectares. We accurately position and georeference our trenches, excavating them quickly, efficiently and safely thereby minimising cost and time spent on site.

We aim to undertake our trenching based on a targeted, question-led approach so as to provide only the essential information necessary to inform a planning decision or discharge a planning condition, rather than percentage sampling areas which can give erroneous results and cost more. We are happy to challenge local planning authority archaeological advisors when the latter approach is hard to justify.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd