Metric Survey

A walkover survey in progress. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
The digitised results of an earthwork survey created using GIS software. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
A photograph of Lindisfarne Priory, surveyed as part of the North East Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018

Surveys can take a variety of forms from site walkovers to detailed recording of ancient earthworks and landscape topography. Earthwork surveys are employed to record features such as banks, ditches, trackways, channels, ponds and walls which have become partially filled in or obscured by vegetation. Surveys are non-intrusive requiring no ground disturbance. Where archaeological remains survive as upstanding features above ground, site survey is usually the first field technique employed to provide the initial base-line record. Surveys can often be enhanced by reference to aerial photographs, old maps and geophysical surveys which help to show large features more clearly as well as the presence of buried features.

Archaeological metric survey is specialist work and at Archaeological Research Services Ltd we have highly trained surveyors who have expertise in identifying and surveying archaeological features in a wide variety of settings and of widely different types, as well as having highly developed surveying skills. We have survey and mapping grade GPS units as well as total stations to ensure the accuracy of our work. We also have vast experience in using GIS software to integrate, analyse and articulate survey data for our clients and in order to produce accurate maps and plans. Key types of survey typically undertaken include earthwork survey, topographic survey, contour survey and rapid walkover survey.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd