Clitheroe Excavation

Clitheroe location map. © Copyright ARS Ltd
The fieldwork team cleaning and recording the ring ditch at Clitheroe. © Copyright ARS Ltd
This small urn containing a cremation was found upturned within a larger urn (scale = 10cm). © Copyright ARS Ltd

ARS Ltd began investigating the site at Higher Standen Farm, Clitheroe, with Taylor Wimpey in 2017 with a series of evaluation trenches. Previously a Desk-Based Assessment had been carried out on the site which found evidence for prehistoric activity in the surrounding landscape, and a subsequent geophysical survey identified a possible ‘ring ditch’ (a circular burial monument typical of the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods) and some other possible ditch features.

Clitheroe is located 15.5km to the north-east of Blackburn and the excavation site is on the south-eastern edge of Clitheroe where it covers an area of approximately 10 hectares across five fields.

To find out about the exciting discovery of human cremations in well-preserved pottery vessels please use the links to the right. You can also view a photo gallery and use the ‘Links and Downloads’ page to access the project reports.

If you wish to find out more information about the properties that will soon be available to buy in this stunning location near Pendle Hill, please click here.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd