Exciting updates from Lochinver Quarry and an opportunity for volunteers

ARS Ltd Project Officer investigating a large midden pit on-site at Lochinver © Copyright ARS Ltd 2022
Volunteers from the Moray Society and students from the University of the Highlands and Islands and the University of Aberdeen ready to begin their first day exploring the fantastic archaeology revealed at Lochinver! © Copyright ARS Ltd 2022
Cylindrical fired clay pillars excavated during investigations at Lochinver potentially for use during prehistoric salt-panning © Copyright ARS Ltd 2022

ARS Ltd has been undertaking archaeological investigations at Tarmac’s Lochinver Quarry since 2012 and we’re already seeing the potential for this site to shed much new light on Bronze Age and Iron Age Scotland. We’ve now added a Projects page for all the exciting updates, so be sure to check it out to learn more about what we’re uncovering (see link, below). You’ll also find a downloadable PDF version of the latest report on this page.

> Learn more about the Lochinver Quarry excavation

Volunteer opportunities

Tarmac has been eager to involve the local community with excavations at Lochinver, and volunteers have already been working on the site providing brilliant assistance with our investigations. We are continuing to welcome volunteers to the site, with opportunities to work alongside professional archaeologists, until the end of June. So, if you’re interested, please contact Rupert Lotherington at ARS Ltd via email: rupert@archaeologicalresearchservices.com

Keep checking our website for any and all future updates about this exciting site and, as always, make sure you’re following us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram for all our up-to-the-minute news and photos.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd