View our new videos on YouTube

YouTube video of The Maltings - part of our Historic Building series © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021
Our video on UAV remote sensing with drone technology © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021
A video of the historic building recording of Gladstone House © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021

You can already follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram, but have you seen our new videos on YouTube yet?

We’re excited to be producing more video content these days. And as part of our historic building recording work, we’ve been excited to create some short videos that provide a visually accessible glimpse of some of the beautiful historic buildings we’ve been working on. These recordings highlight the history and significance of the buildings, capturing and preserving photographic evidence in a way that makes it widely accessible to the public in an easy to digest format.

However, our filmmaking doesn’t stop there. We’re also producing snapshots of some of our specialist services, like geochemical survey and UAV remote sensing, that use science and tech to find out incredible details about the past, as well as overviews of projects we’ve been working on. Our core values of inspiring and creating value for our clients and society underpins all that we do, so rest assured you’ll be seeing lots more from us on YouTube.

Don’t want to miss out? Subscribe (for free) to our YouTube channel today >

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd