Northern Cheviots Aerial Investigation and Mapping Project

Yeavering Bell from the Glen Valley. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.
Well camouflaged burial mounds – can you spot them? © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.
Lidar showing the extent of the survival of archaeological features across the area to the south-east of Yeavering Bell. Such features are very difficult to discern on the ground, even with reference to the lidar! © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.

Our aerial survey specialist, Joel Goodchild, recently visited the Cheviot Hills in Northumberland to complete fieldwork as part of the Northern Cheviots Aerial Investigation and Mapping Project funded by Historic England. Lidar has revealed extensive survival of earthworks relating to Bronze Age/Iron Age settlement in these uplands. These overlook Neolithic henge monuments at Milfield and the Anglo-Saxon royal centres of the kingdom of Bernicia at Yeavering and Maelmin. The results of the project will be published by Historic England in the coming months.

View across the burn to the south-east of Yeavering Bell. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.
The same burial mounds, as seen in the image above, in lidar, showing its utility in upland landscapes for identifying and mapping subtle earthwork features.  © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.
View of the SE rampart of Yeavering Bell hillfort across the northern Cheviots. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.
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Archaeological Research Services Ltd