Snitterton Hall Farm, Matlock, Derbyshire – Historic Building Recording

Northern section of Barn B’s northern wall, showing entrance to loft and threshing floor, taken from first floor, facing north. Scale 2m. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.
View of the north facing first floor wall, facing south. Scale 2m. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.
Detailed view of the stable door, leading to the southern room of Barn B, facing west. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2021.

We recently undertook a building recording ahead of conversion works at Snitterton Hall Farm, a large-scale late 17th or early 18th century farmstead on the eastern edge of the White Peak District. The ‘L’ shaped range set around a courtyard comprises multi-functional buildings, including a threshing barn with hay loft, stables and cattle housing.

The buildings had been extensively redeveloped throughout their history, in particular during the 20th century following the introduction of new cattle hygiene regulations. A number of architectural features of interest had survived, including a carved and decorated ashlar lintel as part of an original stable door and a queen post truss roof. Whilst conversion work was underway it became apparent that, due to structural failure, it was necessary to take down the ground and first floor internal partition wall of the western range. As part of the recording, the limestone wall was found to have undergone five separate phases of works, with a range of brick repairs and the installation of an archway with brick voussoirs at first floor level. An internal lintel with notches was also uncovered during development works within the western range. The eight largely uniform notches suggest that it had been originally used as part of a floor structure, with mortice seatings for joists, before being repurposed as a lintel beam.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd