Community Archaeology Radiocarbon Dating Fund 2020 deadline

Barry Mead won the National Lottery 'local legend' award in 2019

The Community Archaeology Radiocarbon Dating (CARD) fund, sponsored by Archaeological Research Services Ltd and the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC), would like to warmly encourage applications from community archaeological groups for the 2020 funding round. Each year, the CARD fund provides funding for ten radiocarbon dates from British archaeological sites that have been organised by community archaeology groups.

To date the fund has provided funding for a total of fifty two dates from thirty six different projects across archaeological sites throughout the UK. Our funding has provided radiocarbon dates for projects from every major archaeological period in the country and has helped community groups establish well-dated and valuable insights into many aspects of the British archaeological story. These have included obtaining the earliest date yet established for the occupation of the North Pennines, dating an early Anglo-Saxon cemetery, dates for rare Beaker period clay beads in Derbyshire, and dating the burial of a violently murdered early medieval Pictish man in coastal Scotland.

Please visit the CARD Fund website for details of how to apply.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd