One Heritage Tower, Greengate, Salford

Walls and floor associated with late 19th – early 20th century basement in Trench 3. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2020
Early 20th century concrete floor associated with 20th century basement. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2020

ARS Ltd have just completed a programme of archaeological evaluation trenching in Salford on behalf of One Heritage Tower Ltd, in advance of their prestigious riverside development in the city centre. The site is located in what was the heart of medieval Salford next to the former medieval market cross and court house. Our evaluation demonstrated that the construction on the site of 19th century buildings with basements had removed almost all previous archaeological remains. The site had been further impacted upon during demolition in the 1970s. Working with historical map data and the client’s geotechnical information maximised the effectiveness of our trenching, supported by constructive engagement with the Local Planning Archaeologist..

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd