A Return to the Mesolithic at Whirlow Hall Farm

Members of ARS and The Time Travelers begin excavation of the area around the pit.
Members of ARS and The Time Travelers begin excavation of the area around the pit.
The stone-ringed hearth pit containing burnt material which was discovered during excavations in 2018.
The stone-ringed hearth pit containing burnt material which was discovered during excavations in 2018.
A member of our team giving a talk on the findings from the excavation.
A member of our team giving a talk on the findings from the excavation.

During excavations last year at Whirlow Hall Farm we discovered an in situ Mesolithic stone ringed hearth pit with a confirmed radiocarbon date of 5900-5748 BC.

This year, we have returned to further investigate this feature and the surrounding area by establishing whether the pit is part of a wider settlement or some other activity. Joined by volunteers from the Young Archaeologist Club and The Time Travellers the team uncovered a number of probable pits and post holes in the area which may be associated with the hearth.

Samples have been taken from the features and which will be radiocarbon dated to further add to the interpretation of this rare and exciting find. Keep an eye out for future posts once we have received the results of these tests!

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd