3D Image of Ancient Timber Structure

A massive thank you to Richard Stroud, who was one of a number of visitors at our recent Open Day, and who has created this stunning 3D image showing off our latest exciting discovery from Killerby Quarry.

The feature is the remains of an ancient timber structure made from two Y-shaped poles approximately 2.5 – 3m in length and constructed in an A-frame shape. A number of other poles of varying sizes have also been found around the main two and would have formed other parts of the structure.

The feature was discovered under a thin layer of peat on the edge of Wetland 1. Based upon our radiocarbon dating results from the different layers of peat this feature is likely to be Neolithic or Bronze Age in date.

We are still in the process of understanding whether this could have formed part of an ancient seasonal camp or whether it relates to some other form of activity. As it was discovered near to the wetland edge it might instead be a drying rack as part of the process for tanning animal hides.

As we continue to excavate the wetland we hope to discover more of this exciting timber feature and that our future radiocarbon dates will confirm its date.

Who knows how many more hidden secrets the wetland has yet to reveal! Make sure to keep checking our website and stick with us as we find out.

Video courtesy of Richard Stroud

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd