Bronze Age Roundhouse 3D Reconstruction


Last year one of our historic buildings specialists created a 3D reconstruction of a Neolithic post-built house from Lanton Quarry. Now, he has made these renders for a Middle Bronze Age roundhouse which we excavated at Bishop Middleham Quarry towards the end of last year.

The structure consisted of 20 postholes arranged in pairs in a broadly circular plan. Of these postholes, 9 produced charcoal fragments and one had the tapered tip of a charred upright timber at the base. We sent this piece of timber off for radiocarbon dating and it produced a date range of 1414 – 1277 cal BC.

The roundhouse also had a south-east aligned entrance and was located east of a four-post granary structure. The roundhouse likely formed part of an unenclosed Middle Bronze Age farmstead.

If you would like to know more about our excavation at Bishop Middleham Quarry then one of our team is talking this Saturday 9th March as part of Durham Archaeology Day hosted at County Hall, Durham.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd