Multi-Period Activity in Oakerthorpe

Oakerthorpe 1
Oakerthorpe 4
Oakerthorpe 8

Archaeological Research Services Ltd. has carried out a series of investigations on the site of the former Anchor Inn pub at Oakerthorpe in Derbyshire. The excavations, adjacent to Ryknield Street, have been commissioned by David Ashley Developments Ltd. in advance of housing construction.

Ryknield Street was one of the main routes within Roman Britain and connected Gloucestershire to Yorkshire via Derby. At Castle Hill Camp, located roughly 1km to the south-west, the remains of a small Roman fort have been found and which may have been associated with the construction of the road.

Roman activity at Oakerthorpe comes in the form of a number of hearths or kilns located behind an enclosure ditch and may represent a local industry site or perhaps even the edge of a roadside settlement.

Oakerthorpe 6
Oakerthorpe 7

The remains of a stone building were also uncovered which contained large numbers of 18th Century pottery as well as bottles, nails and clay pipe fragments. Amongst the interesting discoveries were the remains of a flagged-stone floor which appear to have been repaired at least once with bricks. Also, threshold stones in the doorway which have had postholes carved directly into them.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd