Award-winning Fin Cop project continues to inspire

ARS Ltd. team members excavating the remains found at Fin Cop © Copyright ARS Ltd
Fin Cop ale brewed specially by Peak Ales © Copyright ARS Ltd
Volunteers excavating the Fin Cops defences © Copyright ARS Ltd

Following a talk on our award-winning Fin Cop project where we worked with Longstone Local History Group to excavate an Iron Age hillfort in the Peak District that contained a ‘massacre deposit’ in its ditch, we were presented with a specially brewed beer that Peak Ales has named after the site. There has also been a folk song recorded on the site, by Bella Hardy, a range of paintings and sketches by local artists together with it being the basis for local well-dressings, films by an amateur dramatic group and an art installation at Buxton Museum. It is great to see our work inspiring the local community and creative talent, all of which is a key part of our mission which aims to make archaeology relevant, strengthen our communities and generate value and quality of life.

Click here to find out more about the discoveries made on that site.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd