2018 CARD Fund Results Published in Current Archaeology

Analysing charcoal deposits © Copyright ARS Ltd
Current Archaeology (Issue 345)
Charred Hazelnut shell © Copyright ARS Ltd

December’s issue of Current Archaeology magazine (Issue 345) discusses the Community Archaeology Radiocarbon Dating (CARD) fund, which was set up and continues to be supported by Archaeological Research Services Ltd., and the highlights of the 2017 funding round.

We asked our CARD Fund Officer why the fund was so important:

‘The Community Archaeology Radiocarbon Dating (CARD) fund is a great way for us here at Archaeological Research Services Ltd., in partnership with the SUERC radiocarbon laboratory, to contribute towards community archaeological projects.

The projects which we have funded in the past highlight some of the great archaeology which community groups explore. The ability to assign a quantified, numerical date to an activity, structure, or event is something which can really add to the interpretation of a project. The funding we have provided to community groups has covered a wide variety of projects with those in the latest round including a Bronze Age burial pit with rare ceramic beads, a ‘lost’ Medieval chapel, a Roman cemetery, and the site of a battle during the Norman invasion of England. Our funding deadline for the 2018 round is the 30th November and we look forward to receiving submissions.’  

The funding is open to volunteer and community groups/projects. For more information on the fund and to apply visit www.cardfund.org.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd