Killerby Quarry webpages now live

As part of the recording process during the excavation of the kettle hole each deposit and archaeological feature was accurately mapped to national grid co-ordinates using survey equipment. © Copyright ARS Ltd
The deposit sequence within the kettle hole. The silver tins show where encironmental samples were taken (scale = 2m). © Copyright ARS Ltd
The team beginning the removal of the Mesolithic soil within the kettle hole. © Copyright ARS Ltd

As preparatory works for Tarmac’s Killerby Quarry we have been undertaking one of the first archaeological investigations of a kettle hole and it has revealed a well-preserved sequence of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental remains documenting some of the earliest human activity in the region. It includes new evidence for a Mesolithic timber platform built out into a pond that may have been used for the processing and tanning of wild cattle skins. Today we have launched our webpages which tell the story of what has been found so far, accompanied by photographs and copies of the reports to download. View our webpages here.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd
Archaeological Research Services Ltd