Radiocarbon dates received for Lanton Quarry Excavation

Sherds of Early Neolithic Carinated Bowl (scale = 10cm).
The Neolithic rectangular post-built house with the off-set, wider end in the foreground (scales = 2 x 2m). © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018
Cleaning the Neolithic structure. © Copyright ARS Ltd 2018

In June we revisited Tarmac’s Cheviot Quarry near Milfield in Northumberland where we made the very exciting and rare discovery of a post-built rectangular Neolithic house consisting of postholes and central midden pits. We suspected that the house was early Neolithic in date due to the finds of Early Neolithic Carinated bowl and our suspicions have just been confirmed with the radiocarbon dates. Two of the structure’s postholes have returned dates of around 3700BC, placing them at the beginning of the Neolithic period and making the house the most northerly Early Neolithic house to have been excavated in England.

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Archaeological Research Services Ltd